Installation & Setup

The Nemesis polling engine is a lightweight, Linux-based, application that must be installed on a device located within your internal private network. This application runs as a service daemon which must be able to obtain a valid IP address via DHCP and must have internet connectivity in order to send telemetry updates.

Get Up & Running

Installation packages currently exist for Debian/Ubuntu and Raspbian Operating Systems. Support for other Linux based systems including Redhat/CentOS are currently under development.

Create New Network

Login to NemesisHQ and add a new site to be monitored by clicking the + (addition symbol) on the left menubar.

Click Plus Button

A modal will appear for you to enter your new network details in the input fields. Fill in the required details and click the Create button.

Add New Site Modal

Once the network has been created under your account, you should be directed to the Client Settings page for the newly created network. You will need these settings in order to complete the installation of the client application/polling engine.

Download & Install


Download and install the Nemesis client application to a supported server platform using the commands below:

curl -s | sudo sh
sudo dpkg -i nemesis_2.0.XXX.deb

Dialogs will prompt you to enter the unique Key and Secret for the network location you wish to monitor. The location Key and Secret can be found under Client Settings in NemesisHQ.

Client Settings

Upon successful installation and configuration, the Nemesis client will initiate communication with the NemesisHQ server cluster and all that remain is to configure the client setting in the portal.


  1. Click the Edit button and set the Registered toggle button to true.
  2. Select the interface associated with the network/subnet you would like to monitor.
  3. Click Update to save the settings and look for devices to appear in your inventory.

Client Settings

Done! Check the inventory tab to view devices discovered on your network.

Useful Client Commands

Reconfigure Client

Use these commands to reconfigure the Nemesis cleint Key and Secret

sudo nemesisd config --key <your_key> --secret <your_secret>
sudo systemctl restart nemesisd.service

Upgrading Client

  1. Stop the existing service and uninstall.
sudo systemctl stop nemesisd.service
sudo dpkg -r nemesis 
  1. Download and install new bits.
curl -s | sh
sudo dpkg -i nemesis_2.0.XXX.deb

Advanced Client Control

The client software is installed and runs as a systemd service (daemon process) that can be controlled using the systemctl service commands.

sudo systemctl start nemesisd
sudo systemctl status nemesisd
sudo systemctl stop nemesisd